Tuesday 15 February 2011

Back to Auckland

Back to Auckland

After three weeks travelling half the island, we are back in Auckland to catch up with friends before heading north. So, we got in touch with Vaughn and Aaron, and the next day went on another little mission! We took a short journey west to Piha and Karekare, started off at the sand dunes on Bethals Beach. The boys slid down the dunes on the body board, but the sand was so hot on bare feet! We then walked for half an hour or so until we got to the lake, which was amazing, the dunes looked like a small desert, it’s all you could see. It was a hot day, so it was nice to swim around in the clear blue lake.
Then at KareKare found a lovely place to stay for the night, Aaron got the … ropes out and we all attempted to walk it, its a lot harder than it looks! We then tested my Power Balance wristband out, which did seem to work!
Then just before dark we gathered some wood and broken tree branches for our camp fire, again we took some food to cook, but it turned out abit of a disaster and we didn’t have enough foil to cook the food in, then the frozen fish we bought ended up being rubber stuff that looked more like squid and then the sand blew on to our plates and food lol! But we ate it anyway. It was ok… nice but a little too crunchy! Haha the sand gets stuck in your teeth! But it was a good evening :-)

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