Thursday 24 February 2011

Auckland City

Auckland City

We all went over to Aarons for the evening, Aaron and Mikko did some diy work whilst me and Vaughn lapped up the sun in the garden whilst drinking the famous Woodstock Burbon and coke…amazing! we spent $30 and got 4 FREE Burbon can holders! We even had a small fire going, then Ira, (Aarons brother) came home from work, he’s a sound guy, he’s going to Canada, staying at a Yoga type camp, sounds amazing and I wish him all the best. We stayed until the next day, unfortunalty we both woke up with plenty of Mosquito bites, they had a feast! I counted them on and I had over 40 on my legs lol, the most ive had since being here. They itch like crazy but well, that’s what you get when you don’t use repellent. Mikko spent the day with Aaron doing diy in the house whilst I made use of the internet for some research of N.Z. That evening we said our goodbyes to Aaron before he heads back home to London, and visited Nathan and Claire whilst we were in the area and took over some wine for them and shared our stories of our journey so far.

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