Wednesday 29 June 2011

Enjoying the ride?!!!

New Car! New Camera!
Well…driving 130km a day in a big empty van is a little crappy, the road from Dargaville to Whangarei is rather bendy and hilly! If YOU have ever drove a van you will understand that every time you take a corner it feels like you will tip over, and when the wind hits? It’s like being in a strom!
The van has done its job, it has taken us 1,000's km's around New Zealand and didn’t break down. But now its time to invest in a decent car with power steering!
What an amazing, fast car!
It also makes my 70km (44 mile) drive to work much, much easier
What car is it, I hear you ask?
It’s a…

We now also received our replacement camera. This is a huge relief for us both, so thank you Keijo! : )

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