Wednesday 29 June 2011

Enjoying the ride?!!!

New Car! New Camera!
Well…driving 130km a day in a big empty van is a little crappy, the road from Dargaville to Whangarei is rather bendy and hilly! If YOU have ever drove a van you will understand that every time you take a corner it feels like you will tip over, and when the wind hits? It’s like being in a strom!
The van has done its job, it has taken us 1,000's km's around New Zealand and didn’t break down. But now its time to invest in a decent car with power steering!
What an amazing, fast car!
It also makes my 70km (44 mile) drive to work much, much easier
What car is it, I hear you ask?
It’s a…

We now also received our replacement camera. This is a huge relief for us both, so thank you Keijo! : )

Sunday 19 June 2011

Accounting Interview...

Oooh, new job maybe?!!!

So, I applied for an Accounts position in Whangarei the Wednesday morning and I had a phone call by lunchtime, asking if I could attend an interview! As I had no plans for the afternoon, I said YES! I can be there by 3.30pm. Luckily found the place with the help of a local shop owner, so I walked up to the office, knees shaking and teeth chattering, and was introduced to Mel (the team leader) and Sheila (the manager) of the Accounts payable department.
And you know what? I don’t know what I was worried about! They were lovely! I was there an hour and time flew by, I even made them laugh a few times! Got it in the bag! hehe
After my induction, Amanda kindly.. and embarassingly took a photo of me and emailed it to everyone in the office 105 people! So it may as well be posted here  too! :)

Joe & Claires Visit!

Joe & Claire Come To New Zealand!
I have been waiting for their arrival for a while now, and then… out of the blue Joe calls me! Hiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!! I said, “so when are you coming to meet up with us?” This weekend he says! So I dashed down the farm to let Mikko know straight away as I was full of excitement! J We bought food and sorted the preparations in time for their arrival!
We met up with on Sunday night, after their epic Fishing trip weekend. It was an extremely strange moment to see people I know… especially when it’s family! I was in a daze for a short while. Anyway…the first point of call?  Had to be the bottle shop of course! We got some essentials and headed back to our lovely new home for a BIG catch up!! : )
The next day… we were all feeling a little hung-over. But, it was Monday morning so we all decided to help out on the farm. The first mission was to get the sheep from the field to the yard. NOT as easy as it sounds, especially when ONE decides to go the wrong way, 1500 sheep follow!
20 minutes later and mission accomplished!
Next mission? The Quad Bike! We had a little demonstration, and It was going well… until Joe’s turn, he jumped straight on full of bean’s spun off down the field, came hurtling back a little too fast and lost control! Hilarious! The quad went one way and he went the other, he leaped in the air and landed about 10 feet away!! What an adrenalin rush!
Now Claire on the other hand…she was the sensible one of us all, she climbed on to the quad all ladylike… then drove 2kmph! and the rest of us? well… we practiced doing doughnuts and driving at the speed of light!
After the excitement of the Quad, and laughing hysterically at Joe it was now 9am and time to do some work! So, we went back to the yard and made ourselves useful. 1500 sheep needed drenching, which basically means all the sheep are lined up 15-20 at a time, two people place Ghostbusters style backpacks on, which are connected to a tube that squirts some lovely, not so delicious worming treatment into their mouths. Sound simple? yea right! Not when the sheep is frantically trying to get away from you. The best method is to get your legs around the sheep and hold on tight! Which isn’t easy, your tired after the third one, but when hungover? Your tired after one! Meanwhile… three people are the painters! Yup! They get to spray the heads of the sheep fluorescent orange! Good times!
By lunch time we were feeling run down, so…hair of the dog right? Lunch time larger and sarnie! Ah, much better, and we were finished by 2pm! Time to head to Kev’s!...

Wooohooo… so once again, we get our the Retro Land Rover from 1901 and the dirt bike! This time with two extra people on board. So we head off down the beach in the 4x4, when I find a snorkel and goggles ooh great I thought, half way to Mahooters hill, Kev takes a detour around the dunes, that’s when the camera came out and before I knew it, I was launched from my seat, my head smashed into the windscreen and we were in a ditch! Everyone rushed to my rescue, but it was ok, luckily I have a very hard head! The windscreen wasn’t so lucky, and was completely destroyed. I was more concerned for Kev’s Land Rover than my head, I apologised several times which he thought was hysterical, he was just glad my head was ok!
So whilst I recovered with a bottle of beer, the boys got on with rescuing the beloved Land Rover out from the ditch, which surprisingly didn’t take too long and we were soon back on track, and making good use of the dirt bike. So, Logan was first as per usual. Then Joe got the adrenaline bug and was next up, he drove up and down the beach before heading towards the dunes…a big run up! And vroooooooooom, he was going, going, going and noooo he lost it, wasn’t going fast enough and the bike fell backwards and he didn’t make it. Extremely good effort though!! !Next up? Mikko. Here’s a pro in action….heads off down the beach and back, shoots straight up Mahooters hill and before you know it, he’s gone, out of sight at the top of the dunes. Then Kev makesit look easy peasy, he doesn’t even need a run up, he just takes off from the bottom of the hill and makes it to the top in no time at all!
The boys can’t have all the fun, so after a couple of previous sessions on the back of the bike I wanted to be the driver and I was ready and rearing to go! One slight hitch, I am too short to even touch the floor when sitting on the bike, so Mikko sat on behind me. It was very useful as he could also explain to me how I actually move it. You would not believe how much there is to know! Crickey!! It’s more difficult than learning to drive a car. So after I stalled it, Mikko rev’d up the engine and explained what I needed to do. Whoa, what a good feeling, especially when you drive it on the beach! I didn’t think it was too wise to attempt the Hill, I’ll leave that top the boys for now…and Claire? Na, the Quad was challenging enough for her this morning. I did, however want to get up the hill.. “its like a desert” they keep telling me. The only other way up is to use your legs. So beer in hand, and pockets, me and Claire went on a little mission to climb up this monstrosity! The shoes were off, and we climbed and climbed, supping lager (doesn’t really help) and taking photos. Claire gave in, and admired the view, whilst I soldiered on. Oooh, I was past half way when my legs were turning to jelly, the guys were flying up and down the hill whilst I was still on the way up! But I made it! Yes just as Mikko got there on the bike. It was in fact like a desert, the sun was setting and I had my last chance of the day to get on the bike again before the sun set. I climbed up on the back, and held on for dear life, the hills and slopes were humungous! We were travelling at the speed of light (well almost) and flying up and down these amazing hills on top of Mahooters Hill, such an adrenaline rush!
By now, it was dark, so we met the others down on the beach and made a lovely camp fire to keep warm before heading back home for a tasty Chinese takeaway.
The next morning we all work about and said our last goodbyes before Joe and Claire left for the airport back to England L

Saturday 4 June 2011

Our New Home

Well, we have found ourselves lucky, working for a genuine boss, that appreciates our hard work and wants us to live at his other farm...Far different from a van which is your transport, kitchen, living room &  bed! So... now we live on a huge farm, in a 2 bedroom farmhouse and 1,500 sheep roaming the grassy fields!! Awesome!
And the hair gets a chop....


Friday 3 June 2011

Northland Waterfall

... Waterfall

On our way back to Dargaville, we visited a small but beautiful waterfall near Highway 12,


bOyS tOyZ

BOyZ  tOyZ

Well recently, we have been having some excitement with quad bikes, dirt bikes and beach wagons! I’ll rephrase that…’heaps of fun’ and Hayden (the farmers son) has a MEAN dirt bike, it’s amazing. So we took one of the quads and the bike for a race around the farm haha, there’s so much land! Unfortunately I’m not quite tall enough to reach the floor when sat on the bike, so I just went on with Mikko! And we even captured the events on video!
The following weekend… we met Kevin, Logans fiend. Who has a dirt bike, an ‘old skool’ Land Rover and lives right by Bayleys Beach! Me and Mikko both knew this was going to be fun!
We drove about 10ks down the beach towards Mahooters Hill a huge, huge ,huge sand dune! It was huge. So, Logan showed us how it’s done, and raced up the dry, sandy hill in record time and made it to the very top.