Monday 2 January 2012

Its time for...

Christmas Eve

As we awoke, the sun was shining; I peered out the bedroom window, to see clear blue skies. It was Christmas Eve on the southern hemisphere, a perfect summer’s day.
After a hearty breakfast, we packed some essentials before heading to the beach.
Whilst Jedi was busy sniffing out rotten fish on the sand dunes, Mikko got some perfect waves, whilst I did a spot of sunbathing and photography!
It was mid-day and Mikko went to do some watering at the other farm, which gave me chance to prepare Christmas munchies! I got my baking fingers on, and made Mince pies, Fairy Cakes, Orange and Chocolate Brownies and bread! As I left the oven to do the rest of the work, I sat down for a lovely glass of Baileys! Mmmmmmmmmm! My perfect Christmas drink!
Late afternoon, our neighbours popped over and the decision was made to spend the night at the beach. As I was busy with Christmas food preparation, Mikko put the bed back together in the van, I can’t explain how excited I was about sleeping in the van again! Good memories of our traveling van! We had to time it right, we needed to get across the beach at low tide…otherwise we would get stuck on dry sand. A 2WD van with low profile tyres are no good on a beach! But it was all good, and we made it to our little camp, the surf spot named bathroom 1.
We made a camp fire before sunset, then before we knew it, Santa and Rudolf arrived! Santa climbed the hillside before rolling back down, and losing his hat!
Christmas is a great time for all, after meeting so people I’ve realised how different it can be! Especially when the weather is 23 °C
In England, Santa arrives after midnight whilst children are sleeping, when you wake up  on Christmas Day your presents are under the tree waiting, then when everyone is awake you can open your presents! You have change to use your new toys before Christmas dinner is served around 1pm.
In Finland, Santa comes and visits the children on Christmas Eve, and then the presents are opened, but with Christmas Dinner still eaten on Christmas Day.
Now Argentina is slightly different, Santa arrives at midnight! Children are woken up at midnight to see Santa, and open the presents! Christmas dinner is still Christmas day, but towards the evening, as it’s summer time.
But in Germany, Christmas dinner is eaten on Christmas Eve, then presents are given out and opened in the evening, and Christmas day it’s all over.
New Zealand is not quite as festive, it’s BBQ’s on the beach, party music and hot sunny weather.

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