Monday 2 January 2012

Chrsitmas Day!!

Merry Christmas From New Zealand!

Christmas Day
Waking up on a beautiful beach…on a hot summers, Christmas day,
 What more could we ask for?!
Its 8am, time for breakfast by the open fire, whilst listening and looking out at the beautiful blue ocean and crystal clear waves. The tide was quickly coming in, which meant only a short time before high tide, so it’s time to make a move!
As I started the engine, it was clear we were going nowhere but down, “down down, deeper and down” It was time for some manpower! Whilst I slammed my foot on the gas the boys put their almighty strength into pushing the van out, “Houston, we have lift off”
Off I went to a ‘safe spot’ on wet sand, we quickly picked up the surfboards before heading out of there. It was Mikko’s turn to drive, but there wasn’t much beach left to drive on, after 500 metres the van started slowing down,  Logan had a bright idea, to follow the tracks on the soft sand, I could see it ending badly, so suggested to head for damp sand but before we knew it, the van came to a halt. Oh dear, it was like a desert, with ocean. No people, no cars, no houses, no radio or phone signal. The tide was now reaching the tyres, there’s no time to waste. Plan A I got in the driver’s seat as the two guys pushed, the wheels spun, sand everywhere and deeper the tyres went. Plan B, Mikko run’s back to camp, whilst me and Logan frantically try digging the sand out, from under the van, and propping the back tyres up with 1 plank of wood. But then, in the distance we see 4 people running with planks of wood! Hurray! The waves were now washing under the van, it was now or never! So as Mikko, Logan, Santiago, Sol and Alvarito all pushed, I stepped on the gas, 2nd gear, pure determination, and yes it lives! I drove as fast as the van would let me, whilst trying to keep it steady as possible. I could see the water coming closer and closer, the van wanted to slide and the adrenaline was immense, soon the end was in sight, but this meant getting over the stream and across the dry sand, I knew I could get there, and surely enough I was over the stream and up and over the dry sand on to gravel road! I leaped out of the car, Jedi too! Ran to the beach cheering and jumping around, what a relief! Our legendary van had made it out of there!

We quickly took the van to the beach house and went for a surf. Perfect clean waves, good for all skill levels! Then out of nowhere Santa appeared, with his surfboard! He ran across the dunes, then down to the beach, he limbered up before running into the water, and off he swam into the distance. Next minute he caught a wave, surfing like a pro! Onlookers couldn’t believe their eyes! What a day to remember!
After all this excitement, I had to get back in the water and have a little surf before it was Jedi’s turn! With a little more practice he will be catching the waves all by himself!
By afternoon we couldn’t stop thinking about our Christmas dinner, it was time to go home and prepare all the food!
Today’s Menu:
Roast Ham or Mushroom Wellington
Roast Potatoes, Carrots, Parsnips, Yorkshire Puddings (delicious English recipe), stuffing balls, Rossoli (a Finnish salad) and Porkana Laatkko (Finnish vegetable bake)
This was the first time of preparing such food! And in such huge amount!
It was late evening before dinner was served; we pulled those crackers, put on those hats and told those silly jokes!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Love from Tina, Mikko & Jedi

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"I'm Beautiful"

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