Saturday 17 December 2011


Wake Boarding

Oh yes, the time had come! Kai Iwi Lakes HERE WE COME!

We arrived early afternoon, the boys launched the boat into the lake and I climbed aboard, leaving little Jedi on the launch ramp. In a matter of seconds he was whimpering and whining as he was left behind, unsure of what to do. But he quickly found his swimming legs and paddled out to us! Mikko with his big, long arms reached over the boat and grabbed him out the water.

We cruised around the lake in Hayden’s control, before Mikko took over and went full pelt! Awesome fun! But, the day far from over and the others arrived so we headed back to land to get action on the wakeboard.

I took the girls to the rope swing, which was extremely comical! No one could hold on but me! Hilarious to watch when someone falls off or doesn’t even reach water! Eventually, most of them got the idea! Jedi was feeling a little left out, so we got him back in the water for a swim before he went surfing…

Ah yes, woohoo! The moment I’ve been waiting for! I quickly got my wetsuit on and off I popped into the boat, eagerly waiting my turn. David tried giving me a few tips before I got to the water, but that didn’t help much! I leaped into the water…THEN put the lifejacket on…Pfffft how silly! Ok, so, the board is on my feet, I signal over to the driver and held on tight… arms straight, yep yep up I went, and down went the board, and the rope went flying out of my hands! Dammit! This happened every time, and Mikko (the pro) wasn’t on board the boat to give me any top tips!

Back on land again, and it’s time to be towed on the surfboard! Mikko showed us how it’s done, and got straight up from the pier and made it look easy, as the boat turned around, the rope swung out, and Mikko almost hit dry land. Estaban also wanted to try it out on the surfboard, and after a couple of attempts got the hang of it. Last but not least, it’s me! First attempt I was up!... and down again. But then I got it! Yes! It was a lot easier from the pier, but harder on the surfboard as your feet aren’t strapped it, but I managed to stay on for several seconds! I was so proud of myself! I got the biggest cheer from the audience!

What a fantastic day!


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