Friday 16 December 2011

Fullers Half Marathon

Keri Keri

One of our New Year resolutions was to take part in a half Marathon, and back in September we were told of the Fullers KeriKeri half marathon which would take place on November 18th. But first we needed some good quality running shoes, before starting our training.  Success…I immediately fell in love with some Grey and florescent Nike trainers whilst Mikko was like a woman in a clothes shop.
We had 7 weeks until the half marathon, and it was now or never. I was a novice at this malarkey so wanted to be well prepared. Mr Fitness on the other hand hardly had to train; he ran 10km on his first run and found it easy! I see I have my work cut out here.
By the second week I was getting the hang of this, I was running further and further and taking tougher routes.
BUT…1 week to go and I wake up with a football for a foot! For some unknown reason my foot was swollen…  I thought nothing of it and took Jedi to the beach whilst Mikko surfed. But it gradually worsened…it was that bad I could hardly walk and it was getting painful. Oh no…the next day I couldn’t walk on it... time to see a professional! The pharmacist gave me some antihistamine tablets, but was doubtful I’d be walking the half marathon never mind run it! Looks like am allergic to white tailed spider bites!
As the days were counting down to the half marathon…it was becoming clear I wouldn’t be running any time soon, I couldn’t even go to work.
The day arrived and although I couldn’t take part I was hoping Mikko and Logan would do well. It was 7am when arrived in KeriKeri, The race started at 8am from ………so I wished them luck before the bus whisked them away to the start line.
It had only been 1 hour since the race started and the first person came striding through towards the finish line! 21km in 1 hour! This guy didn’t even look red faced or even out of breath! LEGEND.
I eagerly waited by the finish line hoping to get a snap of my man crossing the line. Then before I knew it, 1 hour 48 minutes he came running over the line! I was so proud!
If you are thinking of running a marathon…. get the right size shoes! Otherwise you will be running like a pigeon and end up with black toe nails before they drop off.
After getting his breath back, he got a well earnt recovery massage, just before Logan crossed the finish line in 2 hour 35 minutes! Pretty good for a guy who hasn’t done any training!
Time for a nice cold beer, Subway and relaxation in the sun!


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