Tuesday 11 January 2011

Snowplanet --> http://www.snowplanet.co.nz/

Silverdale --> Snowboadrding

Oh my god... SNOWPLANET! -The prefect place to learn snowboarding, it's a big indoor one, and i had the perfect tutor...Mikko!
Ive been waiting for this opportunity to Snowboard since being a kid! So of course i was a little excited!
Ok.... So, i got all my gear and took to the slopes.... holding Mikko's hand (so i didnt fall over) haha. The first task (which seemed impossible) was attaching my boots to the board.. sitting down then trying to stand up! it was a MISSION to begin with, but i got the hang of it :)
After being shown how to stand and move on the board and different ways of breaking, i was then on my own! I even went to the very top, what an amzing feeling, and it just bacame natural, Mikko said i picked it up very quick, and seemed proud! :-P I cant wait to go to the mountains now! but i'll have to wait til winter, in the meantime i'll try improving my surfing skills!
"Snowboarding is the Don's!! It's the best thing i've done so far!!......I'm Living the dream!"

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