Monday 10 January 2011

Auckland & Sky Tower --->

Auckland - the epic city of NZ!

First thing i noticed..was the Christmas lights - 8th January the shops and streets are still the Christmas Vibe, weird when its 28 degrees C outside, you cant really imagine Santa on his sleigh, with his reindeer's, i think they really love Christmas over here.
Next was the Pedestrian Crossing...Unusual, funny but practical! OK, so you press the button, your waiting for traffic to stop, then...Boom goes the sound, and the green man does the moon walk! (yes the moon walk) for 5-10 seconds, then... there's a 20 second countdown timer for everyone to cross the road..asap!
OK, not the most exciting thing, but the SKY TOWER was! You get in the lift, which is all glass, so you can see below you, and you can see the view of Auckland and as far as the eye can see...its amazing,, we got to the first view point...and what a view it was! 360 degree! then we wanted higher, got in the lift...and went to the top view point, you can feel your ears pop, but it doesn't bother you. We stood 220 metres high! the view was unreal, you could see everything! There's even a glass floor! which is a little scary at first but its just absolutely unreal!
Then after all this excitement and the 28-30 degree heat we went to the bar..had a few jugs of lovely kiwi beer and went home for a good earned rest.

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