Wednesday 12 October 2011

The Bluff

Fishing for Mussels

We heard of a great spot to find fresh mussels but we needed a 4x4 to get there. Luckily the work truck was just what we needed to access the beach. After an hour or so we reached ‘The Bluff’ the tide was out, which was perfect timing to access the rocks and find those big juicy mussels!
It was also Jedi’s first experience of sand…sea and fishy things.

Tuesday 4 October 2011



Well, we are delighted to announce… John (the farm owner) has offered Mikko the position of Farm Manager!! Amazing! We were suprised and thrilled with the news, so it called for a little celebration with our new Argentinian neighbours.

Sunday 2 October 2011

Birthday Present

The Jedi Master!

I returned home next weekend and Mikko was waiting for me on the porch with a big smile and a huge hug! Inside was my surprise birthday present…hmmmm I thought one of the sheep had a lamb or it was an old friend. But it was even better…I opened the door and a little puppy came running towards me! I was so happy I was in tears; he was the cutest thing I’ve ever seen! I’ve always wanted a puppy, and here he was a cute 2 month old Black Labrador x Whippet. We had already thought about doggy names months ago, it was wither Milo or Jedi, and as he was black we both thought Jedi suited him perfectly.
Our baby boy….

Girly Time

Girly time in Auckland

Off I popped, south to Auckland, Half moon bay to be precise, to visit my good friend Danalle. It was time for some girly laugh’s, Jesters Pies and time in the sun. She has two lovely kids, Chloe age 4, and Liam age 11. So I spent a week being a kid again, as I entertained Chloe, the loveliest little girl I’ve ever met!

Chloe, Ashleigh, Khloe, Nell & Me!



The Kumara season has started, and now it’s time to begin preparing the beds. So Hayden pops in his tractor after some deliberation, and turns the ground, next the tractor makes ‘beds’ in the soil and us lucky, lucky people get to place the kumara in the beds, with precise precision!

Joy oh joy

Then Haden and his tractor cover the beds with soil, before we can start making the tunnels. The plastic is generally most fun, it’s like a tug of war except your tugging against the plastic not people.